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your search returned 21 results in Category "Miscellaneous":

1. "The Active Brush"
Description: The Active Brush (known as the Builder Brush, Red Brush and quite a few other names is detailed and explained in what it does and how it can be used..
Author: Tomasz "Millennium" Jachimczak

2. "The Additive Brush"
Description: Covering the Additive brush and Additive CSG Operations, this article will help new editors understand how the editor works.
Author: Tomasz "Millennium" Jachimczak

3. "Brush Order Defined"
Description: This article describes in theory how brush order is used in the Unreal Engine, and how it can affect your environment.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

4. "Brush Order Example"
Description: This article shows with images how brush order can affect the way that the Unreal Engine displays the environment that we are trying to create.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

5. "Brush Solidity"
Description: This article covers the meanings and workings of different values for brush solidity in the Unreal Editor. It explains the difference between Solid, Non Solid and Semi Solid Brushes.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

6. "Introduction to Brushes"
Description: This article covers the main concepts behind just what a brush is in the Unreal Editor. A good read if you are just starting out in 3D editing, as while it is based around the Unreal Editor, it does apply to all 3D software packages that use Constructive Solid Geometry as well as many other applications.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

7. "The Mover Brush"
Description: Like the other articles about brushes in this section, this one deals with the simple facts about the mover brush.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

8. "The Non-Solid Brush"
Description: Non Solid brushes are used very commonly within the maps that are released by professional editors, but they seem lacking in user made maps. This article covers what a Non-solid brush can and canīt do.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

9. "The Subtracted Brush"
Description: Subtracted brushes are explained in detail within this article. People new to the Unreal Editor, or even 3D editing in general should read this small article.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

10. "The Semi-Solid Brush"
Description: Like Non Solid Brushes, Semi Solid brushes donīt place BSP into the level, hence they are a great brush type to use for decorations. This article explains why.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

11. "Basic CSG Operations"
Description: This article explains the most common CSG Operations and just what they are. It is closely linked to the the Constructive Solid Geometry Article.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

12. "Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)"
Description: This is a brief overview of Constructive Solid Geometry, a style of 3D construction that is used by the editor to create the levels that we all make.
Author: Tomasz 'Millennium' Jachimczak

13. "Rune HeadBall Starter Guide"
Description: Learn how to get around in Headball with this starter guide written by Goblin, after this you'll be chopping heads like the rest of them.
Author: Goblin

14. "All About Lighting - Part One"
Description: This tutorial is for everyone. Because of its size, we've broken it into THREE parts. It is optimized for UEd2, but if you have UEd1 (RuneEd), you can use it as well.
Author: Lode Vandevenne

15. "Tips & Ideas For Good Map Flow & Playability"
Description: This is more of a ideas and tips basis for placments of items and the general flow of a map.
Author: Jared "FrEaKy" Lacey

16. "Level importing and exporting in RuneEd"
Description: If you want to use UnrealEd version 2 to create levels for Rune, this tutorial explains how to do so and get it to run in Rune. Good stuff from Brother Kane!
Author: Brother Kane

17. "All About Lights - Part Two"
Description: This is Part Two of a rather large but comprehensive look at Lights. It is optimized for UEd2, but if you have UEd1 (RuneEd), you can use it as well.

Author: Lode Vandevenne

18. "All About Lights - Part Three"
Description: The final part of Lode's amazing look at lighting. It is optimized for UEd2, but if you have UEd1 (RuneEd), you can use it as well. A must read!
Author: Lode Vandevenne

19. "Special Event Trigger: A Lesson in Torture"
Description: This tutorial covers a simple set-up in which a sword/axe can be pulled from the stomach of a viking and the viking will scream and squirm. Take a look!
Author: Chris "lobo" Wolfe

20. "Keyboard shortcuts and toolbar reference"
Description: Keyboard shortcuts for Rune ED and a labeled toolbar reference.
Author: Anthony "Wolf" Garcia

21. "Including Imported Textures With Maps"
Description: How to guide to importing textures into Rune, and having them included as part of a map, in the MyLevel package. Also covers including script code, exporting textures from other packages, and how to take stuff out of the MyLevel package.
Author: Twofer


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